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Lowell Elementary School has an amazing and extensive school forest right on the school property. This forest is used by all grades and classes for outdoor activities and learning. The Misaabekong program even uses it to teach students about the process that goes in to make maple syrup each year. The school forest is a special place for all of our students to learn and grow. 

A functioning School Forest has positive effects on students, teachers, parents, and the community.

For students, school forests can:

  • Make lessons more relevant by using meaningful, real-world situations.
  • Reach students through hands-on learning.
  • Increase knowledge gain and student achievement.
  • Provide mentoring opportunities for older students.
  • Encourage physical activity and improve student health.
  • Allow students with disabilities frequent, safe contact with the natural world.
  • Develop young people's innate interest in the natural world.
  • Foster a sense of ownership and community connection.
  • Increase creativity, self-esteem, and motivation.
  • Expose students to local natural resource career possibilities.